Toilet Cleaning

To start toilet cleaning, be sure to put on your gloves, (you should protect your hands from the cleaners you use).

Next, put some water into the bucket mixed with a toilet cleaning product, (your choice) . Then pour some toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet bowl and let it sit while you clean the exterior of the toilet.

Using a sponge or rag, dip in the cleaning solution in the bucket and wipe the toilet tank clean, followed by the seat cover, the seat itself and then the rim of the toilet.

(Please note that you should dip the sponge or rag in the cleaning solution as often as you find it is necessary).

Follow this with wiping the outer bowl, the base of the toilet and behind the toilet.

When you're finished use a rag and wipe the toilet dry.

Now it's time to tackle inside the toilet bowl. Using the toilet brush, scrub the inside of the toilet and then flush.

Toilet Cleaning Made Easy

Use the following toilet cleaning products to make your toilet cleaning experience quicker and easier.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Toilet Cleaner Tablets

Bathroom Plunger

: : Toilet Cleaning

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