Protect your hands and your family by wearing gloves while cleaning, sorting recyclables, painting and more...

by Sally Murdoch
(Portland, OR)

Clean Ones gloves benefiting Susan G Komen for the Cure

Clean Ones gloves benefiting Susan G Komen for the Cure

The first thing to remember about cleaning is to protect yourself; People often forget to protect their hands/arms when using paints and cleaning/household chemicals and that could lead to skin irritation, rash, burns, not to mention the start of all sorts of allergies.

In a recent USA Today article, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offered tips to healthy cleaning and #3 on the list was wearing glovesWearing gloves will:

  1. Protect hands from harsh chemicals, germs & messes

  2. Keep hands from drying out – particularly when using hot water

  3. Protect your manicure

  4. Keep hands looking younger – hands are one of the first areas to show signs of aging, and exposing them to drying chemicals & heat makes them age

Gloves allow for a better, more efficient cleaning job.

They provide improved gripping ability, particularly important when working with dishes and it is easier to grip slippery items, like dishes.

They allow you to clean with hotter water for a more sanitizing effect and they allow people with sensitive skin to prevent irritation – even for those with latex allergies can buy a latex free glove.

When you buy gloves, make sure they have an absorbant lining, especially if
your hands sweat when using gloves.

Also consider the material; If you have latex sensitivities or dislike the typical smell of rubber gloves, you may want to consider latex free alternatives – they work for sensitive skin and the high quality ones will not leave an unpleasant odor on your hands.

In September 2011, Clean Ones Corporation, a private label glove manufacturer in Portland, OR will be unveiling a new line of gloves that are free of latex, BPA and Phthalates, as well as DEHP and DOP. They also benefit Susan G Komen for the Cure.

Use & Care for your gloves...

  1. Gloves should be put on before the start of any household chore. If you are using liquids, it is a good idea to get a longer length glove so you can turn up the cuff to catch any dripping liquids

  2. After use, you want to wash them off with a gentle soap and warm water, removing all chemicals and messes will significantly extend their usefull life

  3. Storage – you want to make sure they have a clean, dry spot to dry – you should not put them back in the packaging material

    • You can use a small binder clip to hold the gloves them hang them from a nail/tack. This will allow them to fully dry between uses and reduce bacteria growth

  4. It is a good idea to have a pair of gloves for each type of cleaning, such as kitchen and bathroom – that way you will not cause any cross contamination of bacteria & germs specific to each area.

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