Out With The Old - Using A Junk Service

Getting rid of all the unwanted things you have collected is the perfect reason to use a junk service. These services are available in most areas and come directly to your home, office or storage area and remove all types of unwanted junk that you have been meaning to get rid of for ages.

Junk services differ from garbage removal in that they usually have very few restrictions on what they will not remove. Most garbage services restrict what they can remove or indicate specific sizes and type of garbage that they will carry off.

When choosing a junk service there are a few key pointers to keep in mind to ensure that you get just the service that you require. The following considerations should be made before agreeing to use a junk removal service:

Do they recycle?

Some junk services are very environmentally friendly and they will recycle all appropriate items from your junk and ensure that they get to the correct transfer facilities. The recycling services may be a bit more restrictive of the types of material they will accept or may charge more for non-recyclable materials, but if this is important to you be sure to check.

Do they have a proven history?

Most junk services will be listed with the Better Business Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce or other similar agency within your community. If they are a local company do they provide references for their service or have you had a friend or co-worker that has used them before.

Do they load the truck and carry the items from your home, garage or building?

Some services offer truck loading and actual physical removal of the junk from where it is in your building to their truck. If the building is in an inexcessible location, if there are stairs or if the materials need to be carried a long distance there may be additional charges. Be sure to understand exactly what they will and will not do with regards to loading the trucks with your junk before you agree to a contract.

Will they carry heavy objects?

If you have old couches, fridges or appliances or other heavy objects be sure they are included in the cost of the junk service and not additional expenses that will be added on. Some junk removal services charge individually for larger items and this can really add up.

Before agreeing to a contract read all the fine print and ask questions. Never accept a verbal price or quote, always get it in writing before signing the contract. Junk services are a great way to clean up all those old items and, just like all other contract services, it is important to completely understand their service and the price you will pay before using the business.

: Junk Services

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