by Kathryn Bressem
(Hercules, CA)
I painted a coat of water soluble (for easy clean up) varathane onto the top of all my baseboard (where it meets the wall).
I found it was the caulk attracting all that dust and not letting it go even when going over them with a rag.
Now, the dust doesn't even accumulate. Now if I could just kill off my dust bunnies...
Mar 07, 20 03:09 AM
It sometimes feel like there is never enough time to get the house cleaning done. Here are 13 time management tips to help you find the time.
Mar 02, 20 01:26 AM
Sometimes you just need a little bit of motivation to get started and finish cleaning your home. Here are 5 tips to get you motivated.
Dec 28, 19 06:18 AM
Get great ideas on how to declutter your home so you can stop hoarding for the future and let go of the past.