by Flo Pitman
(NJ, United States)
I try to link jobs so that I automatically move from one to the other.
I clean as I go so when it's time to sit down for a meal the only things left to wash are the dishes in use.
After eating, I put away the leftovers, wash and dry the dishes and wipe down the stove top. One job just seems to flow into the next. I eliminate any possibility of not doing the job because I'm not having to think about whether or not to do it, I'm just flowing right along, on automatic.
Mar 07, 20 03:09 AM
It sometimes feel like there is never enough time to get the house cleaning done. Here are 13 time management tips to help you find the time.
Mar 02, 20 01:26 AM
Sometimes you just need a little bit of motivation to get started and finish cleaning your home. Here are 5 tips to get you motivated.
Dec 28, 19 06:18 AM
Get great ideas on how to declutter your home so you can stop hoarding for the future and let go of the past.